Ukwazi School of Nursing Online Application for 2022

Ukwazi School of Nursing Online Application for 2022: The philosophy of UKWAZI SCHOOL OF NURSING is anchored in the belief that nursing education should prepare students to function safely and effectively as nursing practitioners.  We believe that nursing education should provide students an opportunity to progress within a laddered curriculum in order to enhance the profession of nursing and to serve as a foundation for life-long learning.  Nurses should be prepared to provide ethical, holistic, and compassionate care to diverse populations in a variety of settings. We feel that our vision and mission can best be accomplished by incorporating into our curriculum the standards set forth by our regulatory, quality-assuring and governing bodies as well as evidenced-based research provided by colleagues and industry.

How to get admitted at Ukwazi School of Nursing for 2022

Each learning programme (qualification) offered by the SCHOOL requires a minimum APS (apart from programme specific requirements) for an applicant to become eligible for selection to that programme.  Applicants with the highest APS receive preference in the selection process.

The table below contains the APS points for subjects achieved in the various SCHOOL leaving certificates and for converting non- National Senior Certificate (“NSC”) qualifications to NSC achievement levels:

APS Score Requirements for Ukwazi School of Nursing

APS Score Requirements for Ukwazi School of Nursing

An applicant without Life Sciences / Biology in matric or whose mark is below the minimum achievement level of NSC 4 (50%) can still achieve eligibility by successfully completing the HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT COURSE offered by UKWAZI SKILLS CAMPUS

  • with an average mark of 75%; and
  • with a minimum mark of 50% (fifty percent) in ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY. 
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