About Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy COMBINED SCHOOL

Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy  is located within Mangaung District in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Universitas South Africa. This is a Private COMBINED SCHOOL in Universitas Gauteng.

How to register and apply at Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy COMBINED SCHOOL

In order to apply at Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy COMBINED SCHOOL , you need to contact the school contact person/ Principal or visit the school. Check contact information below:

Contact Information

For admission, study, uniform, school’s extramural activities, as well as performance, you will need to contact:

  • Phone number: +27081-8531942
  • Email Address: Not confirmed
  • Physical Address: 4 Horwitz Street, Universitas, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9313
  • Postal Address: PO BOX 22201, Exton Road, 9313

What is the School Uniform for Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy COMBINED SCHOOL and where to buy it?

If you would like to know the approved school uniform for Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy and where to buy it, please contact the school using the contacts listed above.

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Which Quintile Level is Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy?

Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy is a quintile level:NOT APPLICABLE

Is there a School Fee Payable to Study at Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy?

When it comes to School Fees, please note that this is a Fee Paying school. However, please confirm with the school Contact Person or Principle to get the updated information.

What is the Correct Exam Center for Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy?

If you have been struggling to search for the Examination Center Number for Aurum Seventh-Day Adventist Academy, it is: