About President Steyn COMBINED SCHOOL

President Steyn  is located within Mangaung District in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Bainsvlei South Africa. This is a Public COMBINED SCHOOL in Bainsvlei Gauteng.

How to register and apply at President Steyn COMBINED SCHOOL

In order to apply at President Steyn COMBINED SCHOOL , you need to contact the school contact person/ Principal or visit the school. Check contact information below:

Contact Information

For admission, study, uniform, school’s extramural activities, as well as performance, you will need to contact:

  • Phone number: +27051-4452364
  • Email Address: Not confirmed
  • Physical Address: Piet Odendaalweg 20, Bainsvlei, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein, 9338
  • Postal Address: PO BOX 17025, Bainsvlei, 9338

What is the School Uniform for President Steyn COMBINED SCHOOL and where to buy it?

If you would like to know the approved school uniform for President Steyn and where to buy it, please contact the school using the contacts listed above.

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Which Quintile Level is President Steyn?

President Steyn is a quintile level:Q5

Is there a School Fee Payable to Study at President Steyn?

When it comes to School Fees, please note that this is a Fee Paying school. However, please confirm with the school Contact Person or Principle to get the updated information.

What is the Correct Exam Center for President Steyn?

If you have been struggling to search for the Examination Center Number for President Steyn, it is: